Law in Science Fiction

Happy Independence Day!

Since it’s a holiday week, I’ll share a curated summer reading list for those of you who like your science fiction combined with law.  Stephen Kreuger compiled a list, Bibliography:  Law in Science Fiction.  It’s an awesome compilation and includes such gems as Isaac Asimov’s “Loint of Paw,” about a time traveling fraudster.  When I saw the synopsis, the punchline came rushing back to me with equal parts of shock and awe.  Check it out.  Mr. Kreuger promises no spoilers in his synopses of the titles.

3 thoughts on “Law in Science Fiction”

  1. Happy to see he included Monument by Lloyd Biggle. He should have also mentioned the novel, which adds some courtroom scenes showing how cases are argued and decided in his future society.

  2. I could give a short form summary, or it’s on Kindle. Not too long a novel.

    The novel and short story also differ in how they end, but it’s nothing to do with law, just what happens to the villain.

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