PSA: How to Find Launch, Reentry, or Site Licenses the FAA has Actually Issued to Someone

Do you want to see how much insurance the FAA has told a launch operator to buy?  Do you want to see if someone trying to sell you a ride actually has a launch or reentry license?  Do you want to see where SpaceX’s flyback booster is authorized to land? I know you need help finding the answers.  One of the obvious places to look is at the FAA’s lists of active licenses.

Even though I spent over 20 years at that agency, it still just took me 20 minutes to find the compilation of license and license orders the FAA has on its web site. I even know to plug into the address bar to get to the Office of Commercial Space Transportation.  Nonetheless, foolishly and despite knowing better, I once again clicked on  Licenses, Permits, and Approvals.  Don’t do that.  No matter how determined you are to find licenses in the Licenses area, it doesn’t show you actual licenses.  It just tells you how to get one.

Then I went through my usual head-scratching, chin-stroking, baffled search for the licenses somewhere else.  There was no swearing.  Honest.  I did find them eventually, because after you try everything they’re guaranteed to be in the last place you look.  Licenses are under Launch Data and Information.  Silly me.

Anyway, if you want to skip the fun of the scavenger hunt they are here.

Also, this was not whining.  This was being wry.

6 thoughts on “PSA: How to Find Launch, Reentry, or Site Licenses the FAA has Actually Issued to Someone”

  1. Hi Laura,

    Working at the FAA made me a good scavenger hunter too!

    Pna a completely different topic, I just read your Rapunzel story! Very nice and with a great ending I didn’t see coming. I felt like I was right back at FAA HQ having all those interesting meetings on space toirism and arguing about … I mean, discussing SSV. Keep it up.

    1. Hi Scott,
      It’s great to hear from you. And, thank you for the kind words on Rapunzel. I had fun figuring that one out. And, what arguing? I don’t remember any arguing. 🙂

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