Do you lie awake wondering whether Earth or ship time should apply to wages for interstellar employees?

Returned from long years in interstellar space to longer decades missed on Earth, a starship’s crew face their biggest obstacle yet:  Human Resources.

Fresh off their victorious defense of a starship captain on mutiny charges, attorneys Calvin Tondini and Sara Seastrom must now pivot to a new challenge: defending the same starship crew’s hard-earned salaries.  Bureaucrats citing relativity want to apply a different clock than bargained for in the crew’s original contract. 

Whatever may be said about Einstein, time, and space, the crew’s attorneys know that money isn’t relative.  Check out Took Their Wages for a sober analysis of how to address this timely question.


7 thoughts on “Do you lie awake wondering whether Earth or ship time should apply to wages for interstellar employees?”

    1. Very interesting idea! I was thinking of a similar plot line in a story I’ve been developing. A starship crew has a malfunction when coming out of Faster than light travel. As the warp field disengages, the starship is left at 99.9% of the speed of light rather than slowing to a small fraction of “c”. As the minutes tick by while they try to fix the problem, decades are passing by on earth and the whole crew knows it. When they return to earth there is the back pay issue to deal with (along with bank accounts and investments). Maybe they should talk to your lawyers!

      1. I’m so glad it occurred to you, too! It shows what a serious problem we have.

        Perhaps after you finish your story we can have a cross-over episode where your characters have to consult with my attorneys.

  1. Very interesting topic! I was going to have that as a plot point in a story I was developing about a starship crew who have a malfunction coming out of faster than light warp travel. Instead of dropping out at a small fraction of light speed they drop out at 99%! Now the minutes they spend trying to fix the problem are spanning into years and decades right before their eyes and the whole crew knows it. Of course when they get thing under control and back to Earth there is the back pay issue to deal with. Maybe they should talk to your lawyers?

  2. Great timing! I was able to get it on Amazon and download it before they shut off book downloads tomorrow. (I’ll side-load it onto my Kobo eReader next.)

    As an aside, I used your work quite a bit when I was a student at the Army War College, just before Space Force #pewpew stood up. Your thoughts on items like the Outer Space Treaty were helpful and refreshing.

    1. Thank you, Andrew! My apologies for only just seeing your comment. This platform notifies me sometimes but not always.

      I’m glad you found my thoughts on the Outer Space Treaty helpful.

      I hope you enjoy the short story!

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